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1.2.7: File Information
The File Information action is used to return information about a file (or directory) on the file system. The first parameter specifies the location of the file or directory to retrieve information about. This can either be entered directly (filename) or determined dynamically at runtime by evaluating an XPath against the FactBase (XPath to file). If a relative file location is entered, this is assumed to be relative to the deployed location of this controller at runtime. The second parameter (to location) sets the location in the FactBase to place the information. This supports the Merge Option setting to determine how the information will be inserted. Screen-shot of an example File Information action If the first parameter points to a file, information similar to the following will be placed in the FactBase at the specified location:
<File_Information xmlns="">
If the parameter points to a directory, information similar to the following will be inserted into the FactBase:
<File_Information xmlns="">
    <FileList dir="c:\test">
        <DirName Last_Modified="2012-03-01T11:13:08" isHidden="false">testdir1</DirName>
        <DirName Last_Modified="2011-04-13T16:27:04" isHidden="false">testdir2</DirName>
        <FileName Last_Modified="2012-05-10T12:04:28" isHidden="false">test_doc1.txt</FileName>
        <FileName Last_Modified="2012-03-23T10:57:10" isHidden="false">test_doc2.txt</FileName>
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